Application of blockchain in the secondary market with counterfeiting


主题:   Application of blockchain in the secondary market with counterfeiting主讲人:   Hubert Pun博士地点:   延安路校区旭日楼416教室时间:   2023-11-20 15:00:00组织单位:   管理学院


It is not uncommon for customers who intend to buy a used product in the secondary market to end up with a counterfeit because they have imperfect information about product authenticity. Blockchain is being piloted as a cutting-edge solution to this challenge. We use a two-period game to study the impact of utilizing blockchain to combat counterfeits in the secondary market. We show that, even when the cost of implementing blockchain is negligible, the manufacturer can be better off incurring reputation damage rather than adopting blockchain. Further, the used goods reseller can be worse off from blockchain, even though it is not responsible for the implementation cost and benefits from blockchain’s signaling capability. We also demonstrate that the counterfeiter can benefit as a result of blockchain. When the quality of a fake product is sufficiently low, blockchain lowers consumer surplus. The winning situation of blockchain between the manufacturer, reseller and customers is achieved only when the fake product has intermediate quality. For those used products that has a low perceived quality, blockchain can be powerful in those cases; otherwise, blockchain may not be ideal.


Hubert Pun是毅伟商学院博士项目主任、教授。在温哥华获得工程学本科和硕士学位。Hubert于2010年在印第安纳大学获得博士学位,并于同年加入毅伟商学院。他在2016年和2017年获得毅伟院长的教学表彰信。他在2019年、2020年、2021年、2022年和2023年获得研究优异奖,还因其对区块链商业应用的研究贡献而获得“西方学院学者奖”。他的案例《通用汽车:创新供应商选择》是毅伟出版社年度畅销书(2022-2023年)排行榜亚军。

撰写:  信息员:周莉莉  编辑:彭这华

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