We build on corruption and legitimacy literature to propose specific means of collaboration between multinational enterprises and home and host country policymakers to reduce engagement in corruption when entering Sub-Saharan Africa. Our analysis shows that multinationals choose entry modes to balance their need for internal and external legitimacy and how the entry modes may be affected by their investment motives. Our study supports that corruption distance is positively associated with the formation of joint ventures, which calls for policymakers to prioritize oversight of the partnership of the foreign firm and the local partner. We also provide a framework for assessing how the influence of corruption distance on entry mode varies across different investment motives. Specifically, we argue that market-seeking investment is likely to be associated with a wholly owned subsidiary entry mode, and as such, policymakers should focus on the strength of internal anti-corruption controls. Conversely, resource-seeking MNEs are more likely to enter via joint venture, and thus policymakers should require foreign firms to disclose their potential partners in the host country and the terms of their partnership.
刘玲博士是英国爱丁堡大学商学院国际商务高级讲师和国际商务项目的负责人。她博士毕业于剑桥大学商学院,在从事学术生涯之前,她在中国拥有国际商业咨询的专业经验。她的研究兴趣包括国际化战略、外国直接投资溢出效应、治理和新兴经济体。她曾在国际领先期刊上发表文章,包括the Journal of Business Ethics, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, Journal of International Business Policy 等等。