Research in Big Data and IoT:State of Art & Future Agenda


主题:   Research in Big Data and IoT: State of Art & Future Agenda主讲人:   周炜 教授地点:   延安路校区旭日楼310教室时间:   2023-12-20 15:30:00组织单位:   管理学院


The rise of ubiquitous systems is sustained by the development and progressive adoption of the Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  devices  and  their  enabling  technologies.  IoT  has  been  shown  to  have significant potential in many industries, such as the high-risk Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) industry. Big data is emerging in recent years as an evolutionary phenomenon. Many new concepts and business models driven by data are introduced as a result. Data analytics has greatly facilitated the  applications  of  IoT  data.  In  this  presentation,  we  highlight  IoT  and  data  analytics  related challenges and state of art solutions, from the perspective of value chain optimization, business process management, security and regulation. We conclude by presenting the future research agenda.


周炜,欧洲商学院(ESCP 巴黎)管理学部教授,商学院大数据与商业分析理学硕士的创始主任。该项目在2021年QS世界商业分析大师排名中排名第4。他还在2020年创办了应用数据科学专业,目前担任主任。研究兴趣主要是人工智能、商业分析、管理科学和供应链管理。他的研究兴趣领域是机器学习、基于知识的系统、通过分析模型、模拟和数据分析有效利用信息进行决策支持,以及一般的供应链管理。作品发表在Annals of Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, Comuter-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, European Journal of Information Systems, Expert System with Applications, European Journal of Operations Research, IEEE Letters in Geoscience and Remote Sensing等期刊。目前担任Decision Support Systems的副主编,也是International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications的编委。

撰写:周静  信息员:周莉莉  编辑:朱一超

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