Discrete control theory and its applications in management science


主题:   Discrete control theory and its applications in management science主讲人:   Stephen Disney教授地点:   延安路校区旭日楼416教室时间:   2024-05-14 09:00:00组织单位:   管理学院


From a number of recently conducted value stream mapping (VSM) exercises we have realised there are at least two replenishment decisions, and three different lead times, in the manufacturing echelon of a supply chain. This is in contrast to the common modelling assumption where only one replenishment decision with one lead time is present per supply chain echelon. Our parsimonious model is general enough to capture the rich dynamics of both make-to-stock and make-toorder settings. First order auto-regressive demand reveals how the three lead times influence the value stream dynamics. Finally, we analyse the economic impact the lead times have on inventory costs. 


Stephen Disney’s research interests involve the application of control theory and statistical techniques to operations management and supply chain scenarios to investigate their dynamic, stochastic, and economic performance. Stephen has a particular interest in the bullwhip effect, forecasting, and inventory management. Stephen has advised several of the world’s largest corporations on the bullwhip effect and his research has influenced the material flow of at least 1 in every 7 pounds of UK retail sales. He has worked with many companies in the UK, US, and Europe and on supply chains that operate globally. Stephen Disney is currently a Professor of Operations Management within the Management department at the University of Exeter Business School. Recently he was the Head of the Science, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (SITE) department within the Business School from 2020-2022. Professor Disney is currently the Director of the Center for Simulation, Analytics, and Modelling. Previously Professor Disney worked at Cardiff Business School, where he was Head of the Logistics and Operations Management department from 2012-2015 and Director of the Logistics Systems Dynamics Group from 2016-2019.

撰写:  信息员:周莉莉  编辑:吴娅琳

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