From Harmful Acts to Helping Hands: When and How Employee Deceptive Knowledge Hiding Promotes Workplace Helping behavior


主题:   From Harmful Acts to Helping Hands: When and How Employee Deceptive Knowledge HidingPromotes Workplace Helping behavior主讲人:   周琼瑶地点:   延安路校区旭日楼310时间:   2024-11-05 15:30:00组织单位:   管理学院


周琼瑶,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院博士研究生。主要研究领域涵盖以知识隐藏为代表的非伦理行为和以社会责任导向型人力资源管理(SRHRM)和责任型领导为代表的企业社会责任实施研究。研究成果发表在Journal of Business Ethic、International Journal of Hospitality Management、The International Journal of Human Resource Management和Journal of Knowledge Management等期刊。国家公派赴法国KEDGEbusiness school访学一年,获上海市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果论文二等奖。


The morality of deceptive knowledge hiding received little attention, andwe have little knowledge on how employees perceive and respond to their owndeceptive knowledge hiding from “actor-centric” perspective. This study aims toinvestigate how employees compensate for prior deceptive knowledge hidingthrough subsequent helping behavior, exploring individual moral characteristicsas boundary conditions. Drawing from the moral cleansing theory, we develop anintegrated dual-path model that encompasses the self-conscious moral emotionaland cognitive processes. We test our hypotheses through an experimentalvignette methodology and a multi-wave field study. Results show that employees’prior deceptive knowledge hiding can trigger subsequent prosocial and moralcompensatory helping behavior. This extends the understanding of the deceptiveaspects of knowledge hiding and contributes to insights into its consequences.

撰写:管理学院  信息员:周莉莉  编辑:王宇

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