The Impact of Congestion Charges and Health Awareness Information on Peak-hour Driving: A Randomized Field Experiment


主题:   The Impact of Congestion Charges and Health Awareness Information on Peak-hour Driving: A Randomized Field Experiment主讲人:   苏端地点:   旭日楼310时间:   2024-11-12 13:30:00组织单位:   管理学院


苏端,北京交通大学博士,荷兰格罗宁根大学博士候选人。获北京市优秀毕业生、博士生国家奖学金;在国家留学基金委资助下在荷兰公派访学近两年。三篇论文发表在运输经济高水平期刊Transportation Research Part A上;一项智库成果获原北京市市长、现上海市市委书记书面性批示。获第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖和北京市科协优秀决策咨询成果奖二等奖。研究兴趣包括行为经济学、随机实地实验、可持续行为和大数据分析。


Traffic fuels economic activities but traffic-related congestion often poses formidable challenges to urban management worldwide. In a randomized field experiment of 29 weeks with 313 Beijing drivers we measure how congestion charges and health-awareness information reduce driving in peak hours. We find that congestion charge reduces the trips departing between 7-8 am by 11.5%, but these effects disappear soon after the treatment ends. Notably, congestion charges only marginally advance the departure time by 5-10 minutes. The provision of health information instead affects departure times more gradually, with an initial effect in the final treatment week and then lasting for eight weeks. Drivers who receive health information do not advance their departure time to off-peak hours but decide to fully avoid driving in the morning. The persistent influence of health information aligns with a newly proposed habit formation theory that emphasizes the importance of attention accumulation. These findings provide insights for urban management in developing policies that use financial incentives and health awareness.

撰写:管理学院  信息员:周莉莉  编辑:李盈颉

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