CALM TALK 180 | Non-Covalent Strategies for Asymmetric Catalysis with Free Radicals


主题:   CALM TALK 180 | Non-Covalent Strategies for Asymmetric Catalysis with Free Radicals主讲人:   Robert Knowles地点:   复合材料协同创新中心大楼第二报告厅时间:   2024-11-19 09:30:00组织单位:   先进低维材料中心

报告人介绍:Professor Robert Knowles received a BS inchemistry from the College of William and Mary in 2003. He went on to receivehis PhD in synthetic organic chemistry from Caltech in 2008 for his work onnatural product synthesis in the labs of Dave MacMillan. Following his doctoralwork, Rob moved to Eric Jacobsen’s lab at HarvardUniversity as a NIH postdoctoral fellow, where his work focused on asymmetriccatalysis and new reaction development. Rob joined the Department of Chemistryat Princeton University in the summer of 2011, where his group’s work has focused primarily on the applications ofproton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) in organic synthesis. In 2017, he waspromoted to Professor of Chemistry in Princeton University. Robert received theBrown Science Foundation Investigator Award (2024), ACS E.J. Corey Award(2023), ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (2018), Mitsui Catalysis Science Awardof Encouragement (2018), E. Bright Wilson Prize (2018), Novartis Early CareerAward in Organic Chemistry (2017), Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award(2017), Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize (2017), Amgen Young Investigator Award(2016), Eli Lilly Grantee Award (2016), and the Alfred P. Sloan FoundationResearch Fellow (2014).

报告摘要:Theapplications of free radical intermediates in organic synthesis have expandedsignificantly in recent years. However, the development of catalytic strategiesthat enable control of enantioselectivity in radical reactions remainschallenging. In this lecture, I will describe two recently reported methods forenantioselective hydroamination that make use of attractive non-covalentassociations between free radicals and chiral organocatalysts as a basis forstereocontrol. Mechanistic and computational efforts to elucidate the preciseradical-molecule interactions responsible for asymmetric induction will bepresented.

撰写:  信息员:张妮  编辑:高坤

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