
Modular Design of Urban Traffic Light Control Systems Based on Synchronized Timed Petri Nets


主题:Modular Design of Urban Traffic Light Control Systems Based on Synchronized Timed Petri Nets


时间:2015-10-13 10:30:32



主讲人简介:Yi-Sheng Huang received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineeringfrom National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in2001.He was a Professor with the Department of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering, College of Science Engineering, Chung Cheng Institute ofTechnology, National Defense University, Daxi, Taiwan. He is currently a FullProfessor & the Chairman with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Ilan University, Ilan, Taiwan. His research interests include discrete-eventsystems, Petri nets, computer-integrated manufacturing, automation, reactivesystems, air traffic control, intelligent transport systems, and motor controlsystems.

主持人:王直杰 教授  

报告摘要:Timed Petri nets(TPNs) have been utilized as visual formalism for the modeling of complexdiscrete-event dynamic systems. They illuminate the features in describing theproperties of causality and concurrency. Moreover, it is well known that a synchronizedTPN (STPN) allows us to present all of the concurrent states in a complex TPN. In this paper, we propose a new methodology to design and analyze an urbantraffic network control system by using the STPN. In addition, the applicationsof the STPN to eight-phase, six-phase, and two-phase traffic-light controlsystems are modularized. The advantage of the proposed approach is the clearpresentation of the behaviors of traffic lights in terms of the conditions andevents that cause phase alternations.Moreover, the size of the urban trafficnetwork control system can be easily extended with our proposed modulartechnique. An analysis of the control models is performed via a reachabilitygraph method to demonstrate how the models enforce the transitions of thetraffic lights.


视频: 摄影: 撰写:马骏 信息员:马骏 编辑:段然