
Executing Effective and Efficient Research in Computer Science


主题:Executing Effective and Efficient Research in Computer Science


时间:2015-10-19 09:00:00



主讲人简介:Shui Yuis currently a Senior Lecturer of School of Information Technology, Deakin University. He is a member of Deakin University Academic Board (2015-2016), a Senior Member of IEEE, and a Member of AAAS, the Vice Chair of Technical Subcommittee on Big Data Processing, Analytics, and Networking of IEEE Communication Society, a Member of IEEE Standard Committee of Big Data. Dr Yu’s research interest includes big data, networking theory, cyber security, and mathematical modelling. He has published two monographs and edited one book, more than 100 technical papers, including top journals and top conferences, such as IEEE TPDS, IEEE TC, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TMC, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TETC, and IEEE INFOCOM. Dr Yu initiated the research field of networking for big data in 2014. His h-index is 21. He is currently serving the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Access, and a number of other international journals. He has served more than 50 international conferences as a member of organizing committee, such as publication chair for IEEE Globecom 2015 and IEEE INFOCOM 2016, TPC co-chair for IEEE ATNAC 2014, IEEE BigDataService 2015, IEEE ITNAC 2015.


报告摘要:Many young PhD students and junior researchers are wondering in nowhere in terms of research in their early career. In this talk, we try to share our experience obtained from long time exploration in computer science, aiming to help interested audience to carry out their research in an effective and efficient fashion. We firstly look at how papers are reviewed in order to understand our judgers; secondly, following the expectation of the reviewers, we explore how to conduct our research, e.g., finding promising and suitable topics, studying necessary skills and knowledge for the research. Finally, we discuss how to present your work for high quality journals and conferences.


视频: 摄影: 撰写:李倩 信息员:李倩 编辑: