
Parallel, Realistic and Controllable Terrain Synthesis


主题:Parallel, Realistic and Controllable Terrain Synthesis

主讲人:James Gain

时间:2015-12-25 10:00:00



主讲人简介:James Gain is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town and a member of its High-Performance Computing Laboratory. He obtained his PhD entitled Enhancing Spatial Deformation for Virtual Sculpting in 2000 from the University of Cambridge. His research interests cover primarily geometric and procedural modelling. He has also worked in the application of high performance computing and visualization to computational chemistry, geomatics and radio astronomy. James Gain has served two terms as President of Afrigraph, the African Computer Graphics Association

内容摘要:The challenge in terrain synthesis for virtual environments is to provide a combination of precise user control over landscape form, with interactive response and visually realistic results. This talk covers a system that builds on parallel pixel-based texture synthesis to enable interactive creation of an output terrain from a database of heightfield exemplars. The system also provide modelers with control over height and surrounding slope by means of constraint points and curves; a paint-by-numbers interface for specifying the local character of terrain; and coherence controls that allow localization of changes to the synthesized terrain. Together these contributions provide a level of realism that, based on user experiments, is indistinguishable from real source terrains; user control sufficient for precise placement of a variety of landforms, such as cliffs, ravines and mesas; and synthesis times of 165ms for a 1024^2 terrain grid.



视频: 摄影: 撰写:胡良剑 信息员:唐晓亮 编辑:陈前