
Research Discovery in the Big Data Era


主题:Research Discovery in the Big Data Era


时间:2016-01-08 13:30:00




Dr. Jian Yang is a full professor at Department of Computing, Macquarie University. Dr. Yang has published papers in the international journals and conferences such as IEEE transactions, Information Systems, Data & Knowledge Engineering, CACM, VLDB, ICDCS, CAiSE, CoopIS, CIKM, etc. She has served as program committee member in various international conferences such as: ICDE, CAiSE,  ER, CoopIS, ICSOC, BPM, ICWS, SCC, WISE, WAIM, etc. She is also a regular reviewer for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Data & Knowledge Engineering, VLDB Journal, IEEE Internet Computing, etc.

Her main research interests are: web service technology; business process management; interoperability, trust and security issues in digital libraries and e-commerce; social network.


We all realise now that research outcome is not about quantity but quality. Yes, impact matters the most. Big data is big, hot, and exciting! Everyone is rushing into it. But wait a second, how can we utilise our skill and knowledge to stir the water and decide on our own unique discovery? In this talk, I will use two research projects that are currently carried out in our group to illustrate some ideas on how to choose research topics and how to conduct good and fun research that can have  great impact. The two research projects I am going to present are from two completely different areas: (1) QoS analysis in business process management; (2) social network based data analysis.



视频: 摄影: 撰写:李倩 信息员:李倩 编辑:吴彦