TimothyM. Swager,东华大学顾问教授,美国国家科学院院士、美国国家艺术与科学院院士,麻省理工学院麦克阿瑟讲席教授,德什潘德(Deshpande)科技创新中心主任,先后任MIT化学系主任,JACS、Chemistry of Materials、Accounts ofChemical Research和Macromolecules等期刊副主编、编委。于1998年获得加州理工学院博士学位,师从2005年诺贝尔化学奖获得者RobertH.Grubbs。
This lecture will detail the creation of ultrasensitive sensors based onelectronically active conjugated polymers (CPs) and carbon nanotubes(CNTs). A central concept that a singlenano- or molecular-wire spanning between two electrodes would create anexceptional sensor if binding of a molecule of interest to it would block allelectronic transport. The use ofmolecular electronic circuits to give signal gain is not limited to electricaltransport and CP-based fluorescent sensors can provide ultratrace detection ofchemical vapors via amplification resulting from exciton migration. Nanowirenetworks of CNTs provide for a practical approximation to the single nanowirescheme. These methods include abrasion deposition and selectivity is generatedby covalent and/or non-covalent binding selectors/receptors to the carbon nanotubes.Sensors fora variety of materials and cross-reactive sensor arrays will be described. The use of carbon nanotube based gas sensorsfor the detection of ethylene and other gases relevant to agricultural and foodproduction/storage/transportation are being specifically targeted and can beused to create systems that increase production, manage inventories, andminimize losses.
视频: 摄影: 撰写:廖耀祖 信息员:余淼淼 编辑:段然