报告人简介:Claudia博士有十多年编辑经验,曾任Nature期刊微生物学编辑,Nature Communications期刊生物科学主管编辑,现任Elsevier期刊Heliyon主编。
内容摘要:Claudia has been an editor for over a decade including positions at Nature, Nature Communications and in her most recent role atElsevier’s new open access journal Heliyon. In her seminar she will guide youthrough the publishing process from manuscript preparation to publication,providing you with useful information and tips on effective presentation ofyour research, complying with Elsevier’s publication ethics guidelines, how tomanage the peer review process, and the benefits of open access. She will alsointroduce you to Heliyon,the scientific journal that publishes quality research across alldisciplines and provides editorial excellence, fast publication, and highvisibility for all published papers.
视频: 摄影: 撰写:廖耀祖 信息员:余淼淼 编辑:向娟