2015年被选为亥姆霍兹联合会的顶级女性研究员(W2 / W3-Program);
报告摘要:Colloidal route is one of thefavored ways toward cost-effective large scale production of variousnanostructures. In our study, different types of nanoparticles have beendesigned and synthesized via colloidal approach, which can be applied forenergy storage and other energy-type applications. For example, dispersiblemesoporous nitrogen-doped hollow carbon nanoplates have been made by usinggibbsite nanoplates as templates. The resulted hollow carbon nanoplates bearuniform hexagonal morphology with specific surface area of 460 m2•g−1 andfairly accessible small mesopores (~ 3.8 nm). The obtained 2D hollow carbonnanoplates can be successfully applied as electrode materials for symmetricsupercapacitors.
Recently,we have successfully synthesized multifunctional Ti4O7 particles withinterconnected-pores structure by using porous PS-P2VP particles as softtemplate. Moreover, in order to improve the conductivity of the electrode, athin layer of carbon has been coated on the Ti4O7 surface without destroying itsporous structure. The porous Ti4O7 particles as well as carbon-coated Ti4O7particles show significantly improved electrochemical performances as cathodematerial for Li-S batteries as compared with that of TiO2 particles.
视频: 摄影: 撰写:陈红艳 信息员:星禧 编辑:朱一超