State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University Application Notification of 2020
Open Research Fund
Since it was founded in 1992, SKLFPM has successfully passed nationalassessments in 2003, 2008 and 2013, and awarded the “Excellent National KeyLaboratory” in the fourth national assessment in 2018. During these years, it hasmade significant achievements in many fields such as attracting disciplinarytalents, promoting the development of scientific research, constructing theresearch platform, expanding the academic communication under the guidance thepolicy of SKLFPM, Openness,Mobility, Cooperation, Competition.
In order topromote domestic and international academic communication and cooperation, introducehigh-level talents in various forms, improve the academic research level andteaching level of SKLFPM, and strengthen the role of high-level disciplineconstruction and high-level innovative talent cultivation, the open projectfund is set according to the pertinent regulations of Ministry of Education “Opinions on the implementation of thevisiting scholar system in the State Key Laboratory of Higher Education and theKey Laboratory of the Ministry of Education”, “The Administrative Regulations for Special Funds for Visiting Scholarsin the State Key Laboratory of Colleges and the Key Laboratory of the Ministryof Education” and “The AdministrativeRegulations for the Construction of State Key Laboratories”,State Education Commission “The Administrative Regulations for Open Labs in Colleges andUniversities”, Wesincerely invite domestic and foreign researchers in related fields to applythe open research project and encourage joint application with our laboratory’sresearchers. The laboratory academic committee will determine the open projecton the principle of fair competition, scientific review, Preferentialsupport”.
The guidelines for 2020 annual openproject are released as follows:
I. Main research fields of the open projects supportedby SKLFPM:
Highperformance fibers and composite materials;
Functionalfibers and low-dimensional materials;
Environmentallyfriendly and bio-based fiber materials;
Other basic and applied researches related tofiber materials.
II. Funding principles:
1. The applicant of the open research fund should at least have an associateprofessor position or Ph.D degree and get some teaching, research orengineering experiences in domestic or foreign well-known universities,research institutions and Industrial sectors. In order to improve the growth ofyoung scientists, SKLFPM preferentiallysupports applicants under 45 years old. We encouragethe technicists whose research directions are related to laboratory and will behelpful to improve industrial base of our laboratory to apply for fund. Theapplicants should combine with our laboratory’s research group and conductsubstantive cooperation after funded by laboratory.
2. Each project can be supported 50,000 to 150,000 RMB and usually lasts twoyears.
3. Encourage interdisciplinary and complementaryresearch with our laboratory.
III. Application
1. The applicant shallfill in the application form “The OpenProject Application Form of State Key Laboratory for Modification of ChemicalFibers and Polymer Materials” and submit duplicate hardcopies andelectronic edition. The application form shall be signed by the applicant andthe person in charge of the unit, with the official seal affixed before submitting the proposal to SKLFPM. The electronic application formshould be sealed, scanned and sent to sklfpm@dhu.edu.cnby e-mail.
2. Laboratory receives open subject declarationmaterials all year round.
Thedeadline of application for open projects in 2020 is: 30 June 2019.
3. Contact Information:
Contact Person: Ms. Li
E-mail Address: sklfpm@dhu.edu.cn
Phone: +86-21-67792865;fax: +86-21-67792865
Mailing Address:Room A418, Materials CollegeBuilding, 2999 Renmin North Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, State KeyLaboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, DonghuaUniversity, Shanghai, China.
Postcode: 201620
State Key Laboratory forModification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials
May08, 2019
附件1a. 东华大学纤维材料改性国家重点实验室开放课题申请指南及管理办法(2019修订版).doc
附件1b. Application Instructions and Regulations of Open Research Fund (Revised in 2019).doc
附件1c. 纤维材料改性国家重点实验室开放课题申请书2020.doc
附件1d. Open project application form 2020.doc
视频: 摄影: 撰写:李莉莉 信息员:星禧 编辑:段然