报告简介:Other than industrially manufactured goods which are mobile, can be shipped, stored and sold over a long period and in various locations, products in the tourism industry are immobile, have a very short “shelf life” and are highly “perishable goods”.
A seat on a flight, a hotel bed, a restaurant seat for lunch, a theatre ticket can only be sold for a specific day or time slot. If not sold the product perishes and a sales opportunity is lost.
Initiated by the airline industry some 20+ years ago, boosted by fast technological development and change of customer behavior towards short term consumption decisions our industry has developed methods and tools to help operators to find the best strategies and measurables to analyze and measure their business development and find the optimal balance between capacity utilization and prices realized.
Revenue Management Directors today are indispensable part of senior leadership teams and highly sophisticated IT-systems support Revenue Managers to make the right propositions to sell and market touristic products.
This course provides you with the foundations on revenue management and immerses you into concepts, thinking behind and key metrics of this field of operation – using the example of hospitality industry.
报告人简介:Kai Petry,德国人,拥有工商管理/旅游管理学士学位,上海世仁商务咨询有限公司创始人。长期在希尔顿、雅高、卢浮宫酒店、喜达屋、万豪等国际酒店公司担任高级管理职位,在发展和管理酒店组织以及领导多元化多文化团队方面有丰富的经验。为业主、管理团队提供建议和指导,帮助他们建立高效的组织,使产品独特并使其脱颖而出,产生出色的客人体验,实现基本的财务和非财务衡量标准,以达到可持续成功和市场渗透的目标。
视频: 摄影: 撰写:管理学院 信息员:周莉莉 编辑:彭这华