Vinit Parida是吕勒奥理工大学教授,他的研究领域包括工业生态系统的数字化和商业模式创新、服务化和工业产品服务体系、数字化 服务化、循环经济和可持续产业等。Vinit Parida教授担任《Journal of Business Research》的副编辑和瑞典部瑞典工业数字转型高级小组的成员。他在国际权威期刊上发表100多篇论文,包括《Strategic Management Journal》、《Journal of Management Studies》、《Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal》、 《Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice》、《Production and Operation Management》、《Industrial Marketing Management》、《Journal of Business Research》等。Vinit Parida教授在研究过程中,前往当地工业企业调研,就数字化的主题进行访谈和调查,深入行业一线探讨新的商业模式、服务化和工业生态系统,具有丰富的实践经验和理论研究。
In this talk, we aim to support digital-enabled business model innovation for sustainability in industrial ecosystems. We firstly introduce the evolution of digital servitization, and review digitization as a multidimensional transition to smart solutions from supply chain to platform ecosystems, solution provider to platform orchestrator, assisted operation to autonomous operation. Additionally, we will shed light on the legacy barriers, AI capabilities, and solutions of digital business model innovation in industrial firms. Furthermore, we focus on the ecosystem orchestration for digital business models, and we contribute to the literature on innovation ecosystems by highlighting the business model as an important sensemaking device for conceptualizing ecosystem orchestration activities. Lastly, with the purpose of getting to know each other and to have productive dialogue over the research stay.
信息员:周莉莉 编辑:彭这华