





























State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,Donghua University Application Notification of 2025 Visiting Scholar Fund


Since it was founded in 1992, SKLFPM has successfully passed nationalassessments in 2003, 2008 and 2013, and awarded the “Excellent National KeyLaboratory” in the fourth national assessment in 2018. During these years, it hasmade significant achievements in many fields such as attracting disciplinarytalents, promoting the development of scientific research, constructing theresearch platform, expanding the academic communication under the guidance thepolicy of SKLFPM, Openness,Mobility, Cooperation, Competition.

In orderto promote domestic and international academic communication and cooperation,introduce high-level talents in various forms, improve the academic researchlevel and teaching level of SKLFPM, and strengthen the role of high-leveldiscipline construction and high-level innovative talent cultivation, the openproject fund is set according to the pertinent regulations of Ministry ofEducation “Opinions on the implementationof the visiting scholar system in the State Key Laboratory of Higher Educationand the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education”, “The Administrative Regulations for Special Funds for Visiting Scholarsin the State Key Laboratory of Colleges and the Key Laboratory of KeyLaboratory of the Ministry of Education” and “The Administrative Regulations for the Construction of State KeyLaboratories”,StateEducation Commission “The AdministrativeRegulations for Open Labs in Colleges and Universities”, We sincerely invitedomestic and foreign researchers in related fields to apply the open researchproject and encourage joint application with our laboratory’s researchers. Thelaboratory academic committee will determine the open project on the principleof fair competition, scientific review, support for the best”.

The guidelines for 2025 annual openproject are released as follows:


I. Main research fields of the visiting scholar supportedby SKLFPM:

1) Highperformance fibers and composite materials;

2) Functionalfibers and intelligent manufacturing;

3) Greenfibers and health materials;

4) Cutting-edge fibers and hybrid materials.


II. Funding objects andprinciples:

There aretwo types of visiting scholars in SKLFPM: scholars from abroad; scholars withinthe domestic rather than the school. The working hours of overseas visitingscholars in SKLFPM shall not be less than 2 months in principle, and theworking hours of domestic and non-local visiting scholars in SKLFPM shall notbe less than 4 months in principle.

Funding principles:

1.Each project can be supported 50,000 to 100,000RMB and usually lasts two years.

2.The research topic needs to be related to theresearch direction of the laboratory, and it is encouraged to combine with therelevant research groups of the laboratory.

3.Encourageinterdisciplinary and complementary research with our laboratory.


III. Application

1.The applicant shall fillin the application form “The Open ProjectApplication Form of State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibersand Polymer Materials” and submit duplicate hardcopies and electronicedition. on in charge of the institute, and sealed by theapplicant’s institute before submitting the proposal to SKLFPM. Theelectronic application form should be sealed, scanned and sent tosklfpm@dhu.edu.cn by e-mail.

2. Application Deadline Jul. 30, 2024

3. Contact Information:

ContactPerson: Ms.Lili Li

E-mailAddress: sklfpm@dhu.edu.cn

Phone: +86-21-67792917;fax:+86-21-67792865

MailingAddress:Room B350, 2999 NorthRenin Road, Songjiang District, Composite Building,Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China


StateKey Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials

May. 5, 2024

附件1b-Application Instructions and Regulations of Visiting Scholar Fund .doc

附件2b-Visiting Scholar application form 2024.doc

视频: 摄影: 撰写:王艳红 信息员:星禧 编辑:高坤