
Calcium and metabolic activity of cortical astrocytes andneurons during locomotion


主题:Calcium and metabolic activity of cortical astrocytes andneurons during locomotion

主讲人:阿列克谢·谢米亚诺夫(Alexey Semyanov)

时间:2024-08-28 10:00:00



报告人简介:阿列克谢·谢米亚诺夫(Alexey Semyanov),欧洲科学院院士,俄罗斯国家科学院通讯院士,嘉兴大学神经科学研究中心主任,欧洲神经学界杰出专家,长期从事大脑突触外信号和神经元-胶质相互作用的研究。曾任日本理化脑研究所实验室主任,俄罗斯科学院生物有机化学研究所副所长,英国伦敦大学学院名誉教授。2016年入选俄罗斯科学院通讯院士,2019年入选欧洲科学院院士。作为首席科学家主持参与神经科学领域15项重大欧洲科研项目,获批科研经费1000余万美元,发表各类期刊论文100余篇,专著2部,拥有10项专利。担任国际神经科学20余类科学期刊的主编、副主编、评审和编委会成员,主持过19次各类国际神经科学大会,是20多个国际学术组织成员。

报告简介:Thefunctional relevance of delayed and slow calcium transients in the astrocytesremains unclear. Calcium could trigger a metabolic response in the cells. Toaddress this possibility, we performed Raman microspectrometry (label-freemetabolic imaging) in awake mice running on a treadmill. Green fluorescentprotein was expressed in astrocytes and near-infrared protein in neurons forcell identification. Raman spectra recorded from astrocytes and neurons wereused to quantify reduced c- and b-type cytochromes. The relative amount ofreduced cytochromes reversibly increased in astrocytes and decreased in neuronsduring episodes of locomotion.

This finding suggests anincreased amount of electrons in the electron-transport chain in astrocytes, whichcan trigger the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We assessed theproduction of ROS with two-photon imaging of H2O2 in themitochondria of astrocytes and neurons. Consistent with our hypothesis,locomotion led to the production of H2O2 in theastrocytic mitochondria but not neuronal. Astrocytic H2O2generation possibly plays a role in communication between astrocytes and othercells in the brain active milieu.

视频: 摄影: 撰写:生物与医学工程学院 信息员:崔启璐 编辑:高坤