


报告人简介:Bruce Arndtsen is a James McGill Professor ofChemistry at McGill University. He obtained his undergraduate chemistry degreefrom Carleton College in 1988, followed by a Ph.D. in 1993 from StanfordUniversity with Prof. Lisa McElwee-White, and postdoctoral research from1993-1995 at University of California, Berkeley with Prof. Bob Bergman.  In 1995, he began his independent career atMcGill University, where he moved to his current position of full professor.Research in his laboratory is at the intersection of metal catalysis,synthesis, and sustainability. This includes recent thrusts usingphotochemistry and electrochemistry in palladium catalysis, carbonylativeelectrophile synthesis, C-H functionalization, chiral anions in asymmetriccatalysis, new classes of cycloaddition reactions, and multicomponentsynthesis. During his career, he has been named a Canadian Research Chair atMcGill (Tier I and Tier II equivalents), received two DuPont Research Awards,an NSERC Accelerator Award, and in 2021 received the Alfred Bader Award inOrganic Chemistry by the Canadian Society for Chemistry.

报告摘要:The ability of transition metalcatalysts to mediate new bond forming reactions has had a dramatic impact onmodern molecular synthesis. Nevertheless, a central feature in thesereactions is need to balance of reverse operations on the catalyst so it isregenerated at the end of each cycle of product formation, which can limitcatalytic activity and the scope of many transformations. This talk willdescribe our efforts to address these challenges by introducing alternative,often renewable, energy sources into catalysis, and from this create new bondforming reactions. These include using visible light excitation directly onactive palladium catalysts to drive the oxidative addition/reductiveelimination cycle in coupling reactions independent of the classical limits inthermal catalysis, or the use of electrochemistry to change the nature of themetal throughout the cycle.[1] Combining these with the favored energetics ofcarbon monoxide conversion to carboxylic acid derivatives can be used to drivethe build-up of reactive products from stable reagents. The use of thischemistry to create ambient temperature and general catalysts for carbonylationreactions, multicomponent transformations, acyl halide or evensuper-electrophile formation, or new avenues to C-H bond functionalization,will be discussed, as will the mechanistic origins of these influences, andtheir ability to enable the use of earth abundant catalysts in traditionallyprecious metal catalyzed reactions. 

视频: 摄影: 撰写: 信息员:张妮 编辑:高坤