
CALM TALK 177 | Voltage losses in organic solar cells


主题:CALM TALK 177 | Voltage losses in organic solar cells

主讲人:高峰 教授

时间:2024-10-18 10:00:00



报告人简介:高峰,瑞典林雪平大学教授,光电子研究单元负责人。2004年和2007年南京大学物理系获得学士和硕士学位,2011年剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室获得博士学位。随后加入瑞典林雪平大学,先后任职玛丽居里博后研究员 (2013)、助理教授 (2015)、副教授 (2017) 和教授 (2020)。自2023年起担任《中国科学-材料》副主编。高峰教授的研究兴趣为可溶液加工的光电器件及机理,主要基于有机和钙钛矿半导体材料。相关工作作为通讯作者发表在Science, Nature, NatureMaterials, Nature Photonics, Nature Energy, Nature Electronics等杂志。高峰教授获得瑞典及欧盟的多项人才计划支持,包括瑞典瓦伦堡基金会资助的瓦伦堡学者(WallenbergScholar 2024)、瑞典战略研究基金会的未来科研领袖(Future Research Leader 2019)、瓦伦堡青年学者(Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2017),以及欧洲研究理事会的启动基金(ERC StartingGrant 2016)、巩固基金(ERCConsolidator Grant 2021)。作为首席科学家主持瑞典瓦伦堡基金的重点前沿科学项目。2020年因在太阳能电池和发光二极管领域的机理研究获得瑞典皇家科学院颁发的塔格·埃兰德首相奖(Tage ErlanderPrize)。

报告摘要:The power conversionefficiencies of organic solar cells (OSCs) have now reached high valuesapproaching 20%. These recent advances in OSCs based on non-fullerene acceptors(NFAs) come with reduced non-radiative voltage losses. In contrast to theenergy-gap-law dependence observed in conventional donor:fullerene blends, thenon-radiative voltage losses in state-of-the-art donor:NFA organic solar cellsshow no correlation with the energies of charge-transfer electronic states atdonor:acceptor interfaces. By combining dynamic vibronic simulations withtemperature-dependent electroluminescence experiments, we provide a unifieddescription of non-radiative voltage losses for both fullerene- and NFA-baseddevices. We highlight that the photoluminescence yield of the pristinematerials defines the lower limit of non-radiative voltage losses. We alsodemonstrate that the reduction in non-radiative voltage losses (for example,<0.2 V) can be obtained without sacrificing charge generation efficiency. Wefurther extend our understanding to ternary OSCs, providing rational materialsdesign rules for the third component in efficient ternary devices.

视频: 摄影: 撰写: 信息员:张妮 编辑:高坤